About LB's Student Relief Fund
In March 2020, we enacted our Student Relief Fund as an immediate response to the coronavirus outbreak, which has granted 100+ diverse, low-income, and LGBTQ students with emergency aid. Underserved students encounter disproportionate hardships that impact their ability to live, learn, graduate and succeed. These include the need for safe and secure housing, food, internet connection, medication, books, and more. Today this is at an all time high with our current crisis.
Through our programming, and the Student Relief Fund, our intent is to ensure diverse and first-generation students have the resources and opportunities to survive and thrive.

Applicant Data
are the first in their families to attend college.
are homeless or living in temporary housing.
expressed an immediate need for food.
identify as LGBTQ+
Important Update, December 31, 2020:
We have received over 2,500+ requests for aid, and are no longer accepting new requests from undergraduate students at this time. We encourage undergraduate students who are in need to contact your University administration offices for support. You can also find local resources for food, housing, and transportation by calling your local health department.
Those who applied before December 31, 2020, and were not provided a notice for aid, are on the waitlist and will be notified if aid becomes available. We wish you strength and continued success. For any questions, please contact leader@theleadershipbrainery.org.
Aid for Law Students Available
Leadership Brainery and the Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association has partnered to aid Black law students in Massachusetts with mini-grants. [Download Press Release]
While there is an increasing call for Black leadership nationally and locally, those who are training to fulfill those roles, such as Black law students, are experiencing significant burdens exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. LB and MBLA are committed to ensuring diverse leaders in the pipeline can survive and thrive during and beyond these times.
Mini-Grant Details

Thanks from our grantees...
"As someone who is quite talkative, I am somehow struggling to find the words to appropriately express just how thankful I am to the donors who made this possible. This situation has reminded me of the power of community."
— Erin, Senior at Simmons University
"Thank you so much for offering such valued and heartwarming help in such tumultuous times. It’s comforting to know that people still show such facets of compassion in the face of uncertainty, and from the bottom of my heart, your contributions will help that much in making it through this difficult situation. Once again, I’m sending so much appreciation and gratitude your way for the privilege and blessings which you’ve granted me."
— Leon, Senior at Boston University
"From the bottom of my heart I want to express my immense gratitude. Not only for your generous donation to me, but also for your commitment to help so many students during this incredibly stressful and puzzling time. While it is easy to succumb to the idea of self-preservation during situations such as these, and hoard all aid to oneself, it is the people who use this time to help those less fortunate, that are good people. God bless and thank you!"
— Rose, Sophomore at Boston College